Understand the basics of EU Taxonomy… and its latest updates! 

You have heard about taxonomy regulation but do not know where to start? You have noticed recent news without understanding their implications?

Partially published in 2021, and regularly updated since then, the Taxonomy regulation is a complex subject that financial actors must integrate into their ESG strategy and risk monitoring, at the fund level according to their SFDR classification and potentially at the management company level.

In this webinar, you will find all the useful information to fully understand:

  1. the scope of application for financial actors
  2. the actions you need to implement
  3. the associated schedule, including changes related to the latest news
  4. case studies on eligibility and alignment assessment


Speaker: Baptise Hetreau

Baptiste has been working for Reporting 21 for 5 years, where he has supervised numerous FoF, PE, Infra and corporate clients, both on strategic aspects (policy, strategy, training) and operational aspects (procedures, tools, analyses, ESG reports, etc.).

With a dedicated team, Baptiste is in charge of the Taxonomy expertise (construction of methodologies, regulatory watch, etc.) and has already supervised the majority of the support missions carried out with our clients.

Categories: Webinars
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