All Aboard: How To Cultivate A Successful EHS Software Implementation

Implementing any large-scale organizational change – including implementing EHS software – can be a tricky maze to navigate. From identifying the processes you’d like to digitize, to convincing senior leaders that the return-on-investment is worth the effort, to cajoling internal stakeholders that the change will benefit them, implementing software requires strong internal change management.

Cority is a leader in EHS software not simply due to our best-in-class solutions; it’s also because we have built a demonstrated track record over 40 years of helping companies successfully navigate the known – and sometimes unknown – challenges involved in managing change within their organizations that happens during any software implementation project. Our team of EHS & Sustainability experts know exactly that it’s like to experience change from the inside, and how difficult a burden it can be if that change is not properly designed, resourced and executed.
In this webinar, our experts will provide an overview of the key steps and success factors any organization needs to consider when managing extensive internal change triggered by a software implementation project. During this webinar, we will explore:

  1. How to prepare your organization – from senior leaders to front-line staff – for the change expected from software implementation, to ensure optimal solution adoption and long-term sustainability
  2. How to identify and bring internal champions onto the digitization project to help sell the change across your workforce and reduce opposition
  3. How to navigate common disruptions or barriers in a software implementation project without losing focus or internal commitment to the end goal
  4. What to consider when selecting a vendor to assist your business successfully navigate a the organizational change wrought by EHS software deployment.
Categories: Webinars
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