Mental Health

The Vital Role of Health Surveillance Programs in Occupational Health

The Vital Role of Health Surveillance Programs in Occupational Health

It's no secret that the world is changing at a rapid pace. Current shifts in our social, economic, environmental, technological,…

How to Promote Mental Health at Work: 6 Actions for World Mental Health Day and Beyond

October 10th marked World Mental Health Day, an annual program led by the World Health Organization (WHO), with the aim…

Is COVID-19 Hiding a Looming Mental Health Crisis?

The recent trend in declining rates of COVID-19 infections is giving hope to many that a return to some form…

COVID-19: Are You Prepared for the Second Wave?

On April 21, Robert Redfield, Director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), made headlines when he…

Occupational Health and Safety Concerns in Today’s Workplace: Two Underestimated Factors

Much of the attention in occupational hygiene management today goes to traditional factors and concerns in today’s workplace, including on-the-job injury, role-specific…

Two Mental Health Takeaways from the BOHS 2018 Occupational Hygiene Conference

I recently had the pleasure of attending and speaking at Occupational Hygiene 2018, the annual BOHS conference in Stratford-Upon-Avon, which brought…

What EHS Professionals Can’t See: Workplace Mental Health Risks

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK, an annual campaign that aims to end stigma and promote mental health…