
The Recap of Cority Connect Europe 2022

Cority Connect EU 2022

Leaving the sunny shores of Perth to travel to London in November is not the most enticing thought, however when I arrived at the Leonardo Hotel in London, I was warmed by seeing all the friendly faces and smiles of colleagues and customers at Cority’s EHS user conference, EuroCon 2022. It was our first large conference in Europe and the enthusiasm, energy, and excitement created a great buzz as we started the afternoon off. 

The State of Cority 

First up was Mike Couture, Chief Product Officer with a “State of Cority,” address, welcoming our customers who travelled from 14 different countries to attend the conference. He also spoke about our expansion across Europe through hiring and the acquisitions of WeSustain, in Germany, and, more recently, Reporting21 in France, demonstrating our commitment to both Europe and Sustainability, one of our core values. 

Looking to the Future: EHS, ESG, and Employee Engagement 

We then heard from Amanda Smith, VP of Training and Enablement, and John Easton, VP of Product Management on CorityOne Innovation and Product Roadmap. Amanda spoke about how the EHS and ESG landscape has changed since COVID-19 and continues to change as economics, climate change, and political instability have impacted the prioritization and focus on both EHS and ESG for organisations. John spoke about the importance of simple and engaging technology to build connected solutions that employees interact with to build actionable insights and measurable outcomes. It was so great to see how excited everyone in the audience was about the future Cority roadmap. 

Speaking about the importance of climate change was very timely with #COP22 wrapping up the week prior in Egypt. Marie-Lucie, spoke on how data-driven decision-making from CorityOne can provide a path to an effective climate change plan for organisations and we don’t have time to wait! Next, Sean Baldry captivated the audience with a thought-provoking session asking organisations if there’s an opportunity to revise their employee engagement to focus on the areas that truly matter and if there are ways to remove barriers so that engagement continually increases, as EHS challenges continue to emerge.  

Cority Solutions in Action & Customer Success 

After a quick break, Mufaro Gerald Mukwashi, from the UNHCR spoke about his experience of using Cority across a wide range of scenarios that the UNHC experiences. It was fascinating to hear how the UNHCR uses Cority to capture event reporting and investigations in such varied situations – such as building hospitals or car accidents in remote locations. As well as how they developed risk assessments for field staff working in high exposure COVID-19 locations.  

Mathew Medjeral from Airbus described how Airbus is using Cority and myCority to track near misses at their organization, at the time of presentation they had 24,532 near misses reported – talk about getting employee engagement right! Mathew finished his presentation by showing us a hot-off-the-press, Hollywood quality, video for their Cority system. It was funny, engaging, and made me proud to see myCority in the ad.  

Next up, I spoke on Tools for Customer Success. It was great to see that so many in the audience had already used the Cority Community, our one-stop-shop to search for all things related to CorityOne. It was even better to demonstrate the Cority Academy and the ability to view online training videos for our solutions. I loved seeing so many customers interested in these new tools that I know they will benefit from. 

Hands-On Breakout Sessions 

After short break, and we moved into breakout sessions to provide some hands-on-keyboarding training covering Cority orientation for new users and a session on how to use Cority more efficiently for our advanced users. 

Those who attended the customer breakout session really appreciated from hearing the experiences and lessons learned on implementing Cority. Heiko Schilfarth and Jeanine Kruppa shared their experience on how to they have harmonised EHS processes on a global scale at Siemens Healthineers and the challenges of digitization. Mark Johnson presented on how Unilever has used the Keep It Simple methodology to implement Cority’s Health Cloud in 21 countries.  

Wow what a day – so much sharing, collaboration and learning – I was definitely ready for some fun at our offsite event at Patch East. Now that I’m back in sunny Perth, I’ve had a chance to reflect on what I learned. I had a lot to take away from Cority Connect Europe, but my biggest takeaways were: 

  • The value of face-to-face connection is something 
  • Seeing myself and my company on a big screen fills me with pride #ProudCoriteer
  • The Cority community is made of up so many dedicated, committed and engaged customers who really are transforming the world! 

I hope to see you all at the next one! 

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