Turning over the Right Stones: Keys to building an investigation process that delivers results

Knowing how to effectively investigate an adverse event is critical to identifying and resolving key weaknesses in the systems and critical controls you rely on to prevent harm. However, without a systematic approach to incident investigations, organizations risk spending their limited resources on the wrong things, allowing underlying problems to continue unaddressed and increasing the risk of future incidents.

How can you ensure your incident investigations are delivering real value? Join Cority’s Sean Baldry, CRSP, and Ken Reed from TapRooT® I System Improvements Inc. to learn how organizations can improve their investigation processes to uncover and effectively address the real root causes underlying their OSH incidents.

What you will Learn

  • Review the biggest mistakes organizations make with incident investigations and how to avoid them
  • Discuss tips and tricks to plan and conduct effective incident investigations
  • Review effective ways to identify and gain support for corrective actions that address the real root causes
  • Assess the role that technology can play in optimizing your investigation performance

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