Turn Over the Right Stones: Keys to Building an Incident Investigation Process that Delivers Results

Learning from failure is essential for continuous improvement. It helps us understand the reasons why things go awry, and informs what approaches we can and should take to avoid similar adverse outcomes in the future. Nowhere is this more important than in the world of EHS.

Adverse events can cost lives, disrupt operations and result in lasting reputational damage that can stunt business growth. Improving internal capabilities to investigate adverse events helps organizations uncover how they can avoid future losses, maintain compliance, and keep them on a path toward sustainable business performance. But knowing how to optimize your incident investigations isn’t always clear.

We recently asked EHS experts Sean Baldry, CRSP, Product Marketing Manager at Cority, and Alex Paradies, Strategic Advisor and Instructor with TapRooT®, their thoughts on the key things organizations should consider to create an incident investigation program that delivers real results. Learn what they recommend.


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