
EPA Proposes Change to Hazardous Waste Classification

Hazardous Waste Classification

In March, the EPA issued a proposed rule that would reclassify used aerosol cans from a hazardous waste to a universal waste. Currently, most waste aerosol cans that are not empty are regulated as hazardous waste because they exhibit a hazardous characteristic, such as ignitability, or because they contain an RCRA-listed chemical substance. Currently, used aerosol cans are subject to strict cradle-to-grave regulatory requirements, which includes: limits to onsite accumulation times and volumes, manifest requirements, and land disposal restrictions.

EPA expects the new rule, if finalized, to ease the regulatory burden for companies, especially retailers since aerosol cans oftentimes make up a large percentage of their hazardous waste stream. Additionally, four states, California, Colorado, Utah and New Mexico, already regulate aerosol cans as universal waste, and two other states, Ohio and Minnesota, have proposed adding aerosol cans to their universal waste regulations.

Universal Waste Aerosol Can Rule: What it Means 

Under the revised rule, aerosol cans would be subject to fewer labeling requirements, could be stored onsite in greater quantities and for up to one year, and would not count towards a company’s hazardous waste generator status. While this would mean that discarded aerosol cans also could be consolidated at central locations and transported without a hazardous waste manifest, Department of Transportation, Occupational Health and Safety Administration, and local fire code requirements would still apply. Additionally, compressed gas containers and propane cylinders would be excluded in the regulatory definition. EPA is accepting comments on the proposed rule through May 15, 2018.

Learn More about Waste Management

Whether it’s hazardous, universal or municipal solid waste or even recycled materials, Cority’s Waste Management Solution was built to help companies manage their waste and recycling streams from cradle-to-grave. To learn more about how we can help you streamline and standardize regulatory compliance, waste inspections, manifesting, and internal and external reporting,
contact one of our environmental experts today. 

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