[INFOGRAPH] What Is Employee Engagement and Why Does It Matter to EHS?

There’s no shortage of stats and commentary around the topic of employee engagement these days. From the focus on attrition or a sense of belonging, leaders at every rung of the ladder, in every department, and in every industry are clueing into how important engaging their workforce is. But those leaders who are tasked with not just managing but also cultivating effective EHS (Environment, Health & Safety) initiatives know that employee engagement is specifically crucial to their program’s success. In the infographic below, we’ve rounded up our favorite stats on the subject to answer the following questions:

  • What is employee engagement?
  • Why does employee engagement matter to EHS?
  • What are the benefits of high employee engagement?
  • What are the impacts of low employee engagement?
  • What are the biggest barriers to employee engagement?
  • Where are companies focusing their employee engagement efforts?
  • What about Millennial & Gen Z employee engagement?
  • What are the strategies for creating an effective EHS employee engagement program?

And so, without further adieu, we present to you, The Employee Engagement Infographic for EHS.

(click to view larger version)

As companies assess the future of their workforce engagement strategies, it is clear that supporting and ensuring workforce engagement as a priority not only benefits corporate returns and retention but also employees’ sense of belonging and contribution. And while the latter may sound like the “priceless” tagline of a marketing campaign, future-proofing one’s business with the foundation of an engaged and happy employee population, with something as simple as communication, empowerment, and access to technology & training, makes all the difference.

To take a deeper dive into the topic driving employee engagement, both in general and in EHS, check out our companion blog to this infographic “Employee Engagement, Its Impact on EHS, & What To Do About It 

Want to see how Cority’s EHS software helps to engage your workforce? Click here to get the conversation started today!

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