Why Choose True SaaS over the Alternatives? 

True SaaS

In our previous blog “What is True SaaS and Why Does it Matter to EHS?”, we discussed exactly that: the importance of a true SaaS product and how it benefits EHS professionals when compared to ‘fake SaaS’ (mounting a web portal into a server, that’s hosting on-premise software, in an attempt to simulate cloud benefits), on-premise, or self-built solutions. 

We’d now like to investigate this topic further. In this blog, we’ll dive deeper into how True SaaS helps organizations achieve business objectives, save organizations considerable time and resources, and how, in the age of digitization, True SaaS is the sustainable choice. 

True SaaS in the Age of Digitization

Any organization that has gone through digitization, or is planning to digitize their processes, will understand just how complex and involved an upgrade can be. With hundreds of moving parts, multiple objectives to hit, and close timelines – the benefits can feel a long ways away. 

So, imagine having to undertake an upgrade implementation every 2, 3, or 4 years. When it comes to on-premise or ‘fake’ SaaS solutions; that’s what you’re getting. In order to take advantage of new features and stay on modern technology, customers must undertake an extensive upgrade project every few years.  One of the biggest benefits to True SaaS solutions is that product teams can keep the product up to date, roll out changes, and tweak performance on the fly without impacting customers. For Cority users – there are three major updates a year, including dozens of enhancements, that are accessed simply by customers logging in as they would any other day. No interruptions. No downtime. No fuss. 

It’s also incredibly common for organizations to be tracking data in multiple locations. It’s a big world, so while maintaining a single source of truth is difficult – it’s incredibly useful to multinational organizations. With true SaaS solutions, API integrations that make accessing multiple sources of data simple are easy to utilize. This saves IT teams and internal groups considerable time and resources, saving them from building custom links and software to get their data sources to talk to each other. 

Sustainability, ESG, and True SaaS 

Firstly, we should clarify that sustainability can mean a number of things. In relation to the above point – if you’re concerned about being a sustainable business that can manage the long-term future of its IT, engineering, operations and beyond – then True SaaS can be an excellent tool to help maintain said sustainability. Beyond the resources saved internally, allowing these teams to focus their efforts elsewhere, within the world of EHS, True SaaS is compounded by assisting organizations to avoid regulatory breaches and fines. 

However, as we said, sustainability means many things. While it might seem trivial, if you are serious about running an organization that fights for a sustainable future, consider how much money and energy is put towards running all on-premises servers in the world. True SaaS solutions help to diminish this impact, assisting millions of users all over the world to limit their impact on the planet.  

Interconnectivity, Analytics, and Data 

We previously touched on the power of creating a single source of truth for your data, and how True SaaS makes this possible, dependable, and manageable. However, the power of this interconnectivity deserves revisiting.  

Many types of solutions make it easier for you to be interconnected, but True SaaS solutions make it possible to depend on this functionality. Data security regulations and standards force providers to put incredible resources into making solutions that can provide customer information safely, quickly, and easily. For example, Cority has recently become the first and only provider in the EHS space to become FedRAMP certified – a huge attestation of our capabilities within data security. 

Customers depend on True SaaS solutions, such as Cority, to submit reports to government agencies, meaning they need complete confidence that the data being submitted is accurate, dependable, and easily retrievable.  

Alongside the dependance on data, organizations are in a time where the volume of data being produced enables them to apply better analytics. Be it through in-house technology, such as CorAnalytics, or through APIs, True SaaS solutions make applying analytics, that assist with data literacy, easy.  

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