Sustainable Finance Regulation in Europe – Burden or Opportunity?

All over the world, regulatory initiatives are taking shape to avoid greenwashing and to help funnel much-needed funding into sustainable economic activities.

In this webinar, we will be looking at two of the most advanced:

  • The EU Sustainable Finance regulations under the European Green Deal and…
  • The UK Green Finance Strategy

In a sense, both are very much alike and a little different – alike in that both seek to enable comparability, objectivity, measurability, and transparency; a little different in that the UK Green Finance Strategy seeks to establish a labeling system for financial products while the EU SFDR has no such intentions, and in that the UK is considering measuring at the product level, while the EU regulation focuses on economic activities and financial products.

The good news is that the UK’s regulation will probably align to a large extent with the EU’s: Many UK firms are active across borders, and it is His Majesty’s Treasury’s intent not to burden them with double reporting. However, the bad news is both frameworks require extensive data collection and will add piles of work onto desks from Helsinki to Lisbon, from Edinburgh to Warsaw.

But is that actually bad news? Doesn’t more data equal more knowledge? Didn’t Francis Bacon teach us that knowledge is power? So, having scraped all that data from clients, investees, manufacturing sites, offices, and subsidiaries, how do we transform it into power? And what kind of power exactly?

Join Cority’s Antje Fuchs for a live webinar where she will explore how this exercise, cumbersome as it is, has the potential to help us detect weaknesses, identify opportunities, and become more resilient and more sustainable organisations.

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