Leading the Way to Net-Zero with Digitization

As extreme weather events become ever more frequent, disrupting supply chains, putting assets at risk and threatening business continuity, governments are likely to impose increasingly tougher measures on companies to incentivize them to ‘up their game’ on carbon reduction. Additional international and national regulations should also be expected and more punitive fines for failing to comply. For those companies that have the foresight to embrace change and realize that taking proactive steps now will avoid costly mitigation measures later on, there is also a great opportunity to develop new revenue streams, boosting profits and attracting investment at a time when competition for resources becomes ever more intense.

Net-zero will only be achieved by reducing carbon emissions and actively removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere in tandem. An EHS software platform that provides full transparency of carbon management performance and arms the sustainability professional with accurate, actionable data to respond effectively to the climate challenge can be a game changer.

This eBook is intended to help provide some guidance as companies look for ways to achieve net-zero and improve their sustainability program.

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