Reminder: Safe and Sound Week Is August 12-18

Safe and Sound Week

Is your organization participating in this year’s Safe and Sound Week? During the week of August 12th, you and your colleagues will have a chance join with workers and job creators across the country to recognize the successes of workplace safety and health programs and get information and ideas on how to keep employees safe. According to the DOL, more than 2,700 businesses helped raise awareness about workers’ health and safety through private and public events during the Safe + Sound campaign in 2018. Whether your event is private or public, this is a great opportunity for you and your colleagues to recognize those people within your organization who have shown a commitment to employee health, wellbeing and safety, as well as collaborate to find new ways to take your safety programs to the next level and continue to develop a strong safety culture within your organization.

Why Participate?

Embedding a culture of safety can be challenging, but successfully doing so can reduce injuries or illnesses which directly impact your company’s bottom line. According DOL, participating in Safe + Sound Week can help get your program started, energize an existing one, and provide you with a chance to recognize your safety successes.Safe + Sound Week is open to any organization that wants to showcase their commitment to employee safety. Has your company signed up yet? Click here to register today and/or find out what’s going in your area by clicking the map.

Learn More

Cority is committed to helping you develop and embed a strong culture of safety across your organization. Learn more about our safety culture solution by watching the two-minute demo: 

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