
Sustainability Success Series: An Interview with McKesson Europe’s Head of Group Corporate Responsibility

Learn how the head of Corporate Responsibility at McKesson Europe is leveraging sustainability software

In this installment in our Sustainability Success series, we’re speaking with Dr. Kristin Vorbohle, Head of Group Corporate Responsibility at McKesson Europe (formerly Celesio AG) since 2015. She talks with us about the diversity of sustainability and professionalizing her work with Cority’s sustainability solution

Kristin Vorbohle discusses McKesson Europe's usage of Sustainability software

How did you become involved in sustainability? 

I couldn’t decide between studying social sciences and economics so I studied both. The university then offered business and corporate ethics classes. The topic of sustainability then seemed to suggest itself. 

What are your core tasks as the Head of Group Corporate Responsibility at McKesson Europe?

My core tasks include the elaboration of a corporate responsibility strategy and the creation of group-wide sustainability reporting. Our core sustainability topics are energy efficiency, saving material, and the promotion of health. 

What do you find particularly interesting about your role and what drives you? 

The topic of sustainability is so interesting for me because it is multi-faceted: today I am occupied with energy-saving measures for our depots and tomorrow I am occupied with the promotion of health for disadvantaged people. 

Why do you think is the work of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability managers is so important? 

The actual task of sustainability managers is to promote change in companies and keep asking the question “what social added value do our products and services offer? How does society see our business in 10 years?”

The day-to-day business of sustainability managers is to bundle information in the company and, for example, prepare it in the form of a sustainability report and make it available to other stakeholders.

What hurdles and challenges do you face in your day-to-day work? 

For the future, I consider it essential that sustainability becomes a decision-making criterion in companies. The question of resource consumption should increasingly be asked in connection with the question of profitability.

How does Cority’s sustainability solution support your work specifically? 

For me, an enterprise sustainability management system means a professionalization of my work: environmental data are collected just as reliably and professionally as financial indicators. In addition, quantification often helps with reasoning

What benefits do you see in the context of working in a team? 

We use Cority Europe-wide and this way we have a common platform where we can exchange sustainability information within the group.

How Cority Helps

Cority’s Sustainability Cloud offers a unified software platform that combines decentralized sustainability management with dependable data collection and automated evaluations for use in reports that can be easily generated. Best of all, it puts an end to working with complex, error-prone Excel sheets. 

Whether you are monitoring carbon footprint, utility usage and employee travel for GHG reporting or managing more robust environmental programs like air emissions, hazardous waste, and chemicals management, having this data in a single place enables you to enter once and then generate accurate reports for a variety of purposes including voluntary ESG reporting and mandatory government reporting.

Having a single system to pull the data and run the necessary calculations can help to get accurate, consistent outputs. Interested in learning more about how Cority can help you meet your objectives and improve the performance of your sustainability program? Connect with a sustainability expert.

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