
Best Practices for Biennial Hazardous Waste Reporting

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Frequently asked questions and everything you need to know about maximizing efficiency in biennial hazardous waste reporting. 

Waste management is an indispensable component of environmental sustainability. With increasing attention from regulatory bodies on meticulous waste management, industries find themselves navigating the intricate process of hazardous waste reporting. One such integral reporting mechanism is the biennial hazardous waste report. Therefore, let’s dive deeper into understanding its essence and the strategies to enhance efficiency while compiling this report. 

What is a Biennial Report?

The term ‘biennial’ refers to something that occurs every two years. In the context of waste management, a biennial hazardous waste report is a regulatory document submitted every two years detailing a company’s waste production, transportation, and disposal activities. 

What is a Biennial Hazardous Waste Report?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set guidelines for hazardous waste management and reporting to ensure environmental safety. The Biennial Hazardous Waste Report by the EPA is a required submission for specific hazardous waste generators. It offers the EPA and state agencies a snapshot of hazardous waste generation and management activities. This helps them oversee hazardous waste management practices and trends over a two-year span. 

What is Biennial Data?

Biennial data refers to the collected information that covers a two-year period. In hazardous waste reporting, this data encompasses detailed records of hazardous waste production, disposal, treatment, and recycling efforts undertaken by a company over the specified time period. 

What Generator is Required to Complete a Biennial Report?

Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) of hazardous waste are required to complete a biennial hazardous waste report. These are generators who produce more than 1,000 kilograms of hazardous waste or more than one kilogram of acutely hazardous waste in a month. 

Best Practices for Biennial Hazardous Waste Reporting

  1. Consistent Data Collection – Ensure you have a system in place to consistently collect data about hazardous waste production and disposal activities throughout the year. This prevents last-minute scrambles for data collection when it’s time to compile the report. 
  2. Automate Where Possible – Leveraging technology can ease the process. Cority’s data access and verification tools, for example, can simplify and automate data collection, ensuring accuracy and compliance. 
  3. Stay Updated on EPA Guidelines – The EPA periodically updates guidelines and requirements. Keeping yourself updated ensures your report is in compliance with the latest standards. 
  4. Engage Stakeholders – Ensure all stakeholders, from the factory floor to the management team, understand the importance and processes involved in data collection. Their cooperation is essential for accurate reporting. 
  5. Review and Audit – Before finalizing the report, conduct thorough reviews and, if possible, internal audits to identify any discrepancies or missing data. 

How Cority Can Simplify Data Access and Verification 

A seamless and efficient biennial hazardous waste reporting process calls for advanced solutions that not only gather data but also analyze it. Cority’s environmental solution offers: 

  • Centralized Data Access – With all your waste data in one place, you no longer have to sift through multiple files or systems. This centralized approach ensures data integrity and simplifies electronic biennial hazardous waste report generation. 
  • Demonstrate Compliance – Quickly prove compliance to internal and external stakeholders with easy-to-generate manifests, auditable data, and simple dashboards. Automatically track accumulation days and utilize notifications to ensure waste streams are moved off-site on time. Link inspections, metrics, audits, and tasks with one easy to use waste management solution to reduce the cost of compliance. 
  • Improve Sustainability Performance – Monitor and classify waste in real-time to identify opportunities to reuse or recycle waste streams. Gain greater control and visibility into your carbon footprint in relation to waste management and help meet overall sustainability goals. Easily generate accurate, auditable metrics to include in your sustainability and ESG reporting. 
  • Analytics and Insights – Beyond just data collection and reporting, Cority offers analytics that can help identify waste management trends, areas of improvement, and potential cost savings. 


In conclusion, biennial hazardous waste reporting is not just a regulatory requirement; it’s an opportunity. An opportunity to assess, analyze, and improve waste management practices. With the right strategies and tools, like Cority’s Waste Management solution, businesses can turn this requirement into a step towards a more sustainable and efficient future. 

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